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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
hearts 35
XL DE +hearts 35
XOXO +hearts 3
XX hearts@work +ovals 45
YA LYUBLYU +hearts 16
hearts 5
asha's PREM SAGAR +hearts 3
baby CHERAMY +hearts 3
badami chhap +hearts 19
bajrang +man & hearts 34
battery CARE +hearts & arc 35
brain & hearts 41
clean & shine +hearts 3
creative don +oval & hearts 28
cross & hearts 3
i love you +hearts 3
manila JAIMY SWEET +hearts 30
muffins +hearts 30
new JUMPIN +hearts & face 32
panchami 4 IN ONE +hearts 3
rdt JEWEL +hearts 25
safe-MAX +family & hearts 5
silk india naturals +hearts 24
we songs +hearts 9
won wish +hearts & square 25
hale and hearty +man & hear 44
heat KING 11
heat guard 9
heat-N-hot 11
heat-in 5
ANI-heat 5
BIKAJI heat & eat 30
GIRISH-heat 9, 11
HOTTIP heat engineering 11
HPP-99 heat proof primer 19
LEO heat treaters 40
MARHABA ICE prickly heat 3
MARHABA ROSE prickly heat 3
MARHABA SANDAL prickly heat 3
NANDU'S heat 'n' eat +bird 29, 42
NYCIL prickly heat powder 5
PHP PRATIK heat products 11
RAJCIL prickly heat powder 3
SMART heat 11
SOLAHART free heat 11
SURBHI prickly heat powder 5
WARM STREAM heat transfer 11
WINDY cool prickly heat 5
heater KING +cogwheel 11
APPLE heater plug MATADOR 12
CHISHMO LPG space heater 11
DHARA +solar heater 11
heater 11
MAHIR solar water heater 11
PURE SOLAR +solar heater 11, 16
RENUKA instant water heater 11
SENSO magic heater 10
SHAKTI friendly heater 11
SIDDHI solar water heater 11
SUNLINE solar water heater 11
SURYAJET water heater 11
SUN heaters +sun 11
heaters 11
heath STALLION tea +horse 30
AMAR solar water heating 11
heating 11, 35, 37, 42
HITCO redefining heating 11
KAVITA heating elements 11
NIROL heating element 11
SANTOSH heating stove +god 11
SATYAM heating stove elemen 11
SIGMA THERM heating solutio 7, 11
SOLARIZER solar heating 11
SOLARTHERM solar heating sy 11
heatkoh 11
DR. FIXIT heatshield 19
H heatsun +circle 9
VEA heatwell +oval & flames 11
heaven 42 +oval 16
heaven TO SEVEN 25
7 heaven 35
ARIISTO heaven 42
N.K.'S blue heaven 3
PINEWOOD heaven's light 16
VARUNA'S heavenly water 32
heavy cut +cogwheel & ovals 8
heavy duty LEADER +spark 11
heavy duty RADIATE battery 9
heavy duty RHINO +star 9
heavy duty VICTOR battery 9
heavy pipe house 6
AW K.W heavy duty +circles 12
AW K.W. heavy duty +circles 11
BASHA extra heavy duty 7
CHETAK heavy duty +horse 8
DR. NO florex heavy duty 3
EVER WRITE heavy duty 9
EVEREST heavy duty floor 19
EVEREST heavy duty wall +hu 19
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